6 Gardening podcasts worth a listen

In my Telegraph column this week I highlighted a number of allotment and kitchen garden podcasts that are good for timely grow your own tips. However there are many more that I enjoy, so I’ve listed a few of them below. The quality of gardening podcasts has increased so much over the last couple of years and what I love is that you can dip in and out to be entertained and learn while driving, walking or out in the garden.

  • Gardens, Weeds and Words by Andrew O’Brien – I’ve followed Andrew’s beautiful photos and writing for years. His dulcet tones, his comical quips and seasonal observations of the minutiae of our gardening world tell me this man was born to podcast. Now in series two, Gardens, Weeds and Words has an earthy quality you won’t find anywhere else that you’ll want to revisit; I get excited each time he teases a new trailer for another episode.Looking forward to his poetic openings exploring the nuances of a gardening world as much as his in-depth relaxed and funny interviews with carefully selected gardening world creatives, drawing out their expertise.
  • On the Ledge by Jane Perrone – is one of the longest running gardening podcasts and steadfast in its determination to help people growing indoors. From houseplants to windowsill propagation for the renters and small space dwellers (i.e. most people these days), Jane has our backs with a tour de force of guests from across the gardening world offering their advice and tips. Jane’s knowledge of houseplants is so vast the show covers every corner of quirky and unusual species that you’ll learn about plants you never thought existed, let alone could be grown on your windowsill.
  • Skinny Jean Gardener by Lee Connelly – utterly bonkers this gardening podcast never fails to leave me with Lee’s self-sung jingles in my head for weeks. I often go back just to find out what Lee’s been doing in his garden this week or whether he’s survived another attack from the local hooligan squirrel. All of this has attracted the likes of Alan Titchmarsh and Monty Don onto the show and somewhere amongst the high energy chatter, you come away learning tonnes too. I’m especially interested in Lee’s current focus on family gardening, he’s nailing this in ways I haven’t seen others do.
  • Plant Based Podcast by Ellen Mary and Michael Perry – this new podcast focuses on things created using only plants, whether it’s floral decorations (for the home or head!), meals and drinks and of course gardening. This new take is presented in a lively manner from this duo who’ve worked together for years. I’m really interested in their exploration of plants for wellbeing and health.
  • The Sodshow by Peter Donegan – if a podcast has a reputation you know it’s going to be good. In The Sodshow Peter has for a few years now interviewed gardening’s good and great. What sets it apart is that the interviews delve into each person’s lives as if you were sitting in on the chat. Peter keeps the pace going and the chat relaxed enough to bring out the best in the interviewees.
  • RHS The Garden – editor Chris Young started this podcast to explore further into the stories in the informative The Garden magazine. Drawing on the team’s expertise as well as the wide network of RHS experts, this podcast is a perfect accompaniment to the mag. And obviously you can listen to this while out and about, which you can’t do with the magazine.

What have I missed? Please let me know of other great podcasts in the comments below and I’ll have a listen. I’ll add some of the podcasts from my Telegraph column to this list soon too.

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